Bylaws Kos & Kaos
Org nr 930 892 270

Appointed during inaugural meeting 24.1.2023.

Revised at the annual general assembly 6.2.2024.

1. Purpose and activity

§ 1-1. Name

The name of the organization is Kos & Kaos. .

§ 1-2. Purpose

The goal of the organization is to connect people with Jewish backgrounds or affiliation, strengthen the relationships and establish a Jewish network across the Nordic countries. We are hoping to create a safe space that is open for conversations about the progression of Jewish culture, life and identity. The organization will work towards spreading awareness about Jewish culture and history, largely focusing on secular Jewish culture, history, identity and other directions within reform Judaism and liberal beliefs.

§ 1-3. Course of action

Kos & Kaos´s main goals are:
a) To organize regular social gatherings
b) Organize events connected to Jewish high holidays.
c) Organize an annual trip with activities and educational programs.
d) Organize educational debates and meetings.

2. Membership

§ 2-1. Membership

Membership is open to individuals with Jewish background or affiliation.

§ 2-2. Membership fee

The membership fee is determined by the board and collected annually.

3. The board and daily management

§ 3-1. About the board

The board is the organization’s highest authority between the annual general meetings and is responsible for the daily operations and decision-making at the general meetings. The board establishes the organization’s budget and is responsible for finance and strategies within the framework set by the national assembly. The board approves the organization’s financial statements. In case of vacancies, the board can appoint additional members.

§ 3-2. Composition

The board consists of a chairman, vice-chairman and up to five board members, in addition to the 1st and 2nd alternate members. The managing director joins the board with the right to speak and make proposals.

§ 3-3. Election and term of office

The board is elected by the general assembly and serves for a term of two years at a time. The vice-chairman is appointed by the board.

§ 3-4. Daily management

The board appoints and establishes job descriptions for the managing director. The chairman of the board has personnel responsibility for the managing director. The managing director is responsible for the daily operations and for implementing decisions made by the board and the general assembly. The board may decide that the chairman acts as the managing director. In such a case, the chairman will have the same responsibility as a potential managing director for implementing decisions made by the board and the general assembly.

4. Annual general assembly

§ 4-1. Authority of the general assembly

The annual general assembly is the highest decision-making body of Kos & Kaos.

§ 4-2. Notice of the Meeting

The annual general meeting is held every year by the end of May and at the location determined by the board. The annual general assembly shall be notified at least eight weeks before the start of the meeting. The notice, along with the agenda papers, will be sent to the members at least two weeks before the meeting.

§ 4-3. Right to vote

Members have the right to vote at the general assembly. The membership fee must be paid no later than two months before the annual general meeting for the member to be considered eligible to vote.

§ 4-4. Matters

The annual general meeting shall address the following matters:
1. Election of chairperson, secretary, and two witnesses for the minutes.
2. Annual report and financial statements.
3. Election of chairman, vice-chairman, up to 5 board members, and 1st and 2nd alternate members, based on the recommendation from the election committee.
4. Election of two individuals to the election committee based on the recommendation from the board.

§ 4-5. Voting rules

Decisions, amendments to the bylaws, and board elections are determined by a simple majority. Voting is done by a show of hands.

§ 4-6. Deadline for submission of matters

Matters to be addressed at the annual general meeting must be received by the board no later than four weeks before the meeting. Members have the right to propose matters for the annual general assembly.

§ 4-7. Requirements for decisions

Proposed resolutions at the general assembly must be presented in writing. Matters that are not listed on the agenda cannot be proposed or voted upon.

§ 4-8. Extraordinary General Meeting

An extraordinary general assembly shall be convened with four weeks' notice if requested in writing by the board or 1/3 or more of the members. Only matters mentioned in the notice shall be addressed at the extraordinary general assembly.

5. Election committee

§ 5-1. About the election committee

The association shall have an election committee that recommends candidates for board positions.

§ 5-2. About the election committee

The election committee is elected by the national assembly and serves until the next regular national assembly. The election committee selects its own leader.

§ 5-3. Work of the election committee

The election committee shall conduct interviews with relevant candidates for board positions and present a recommendation to the general assembly. The recommendation shall be submitted no later than four weeks before the general assembly. The election committee shall strive to reach a consensus on its recommendation. In the absence of consensus, the recommendation shall be decided by a simple majority. Any dissenting opinions shall be included in the election committee's recommendation. In case of a tie, the leader of the election committee has a casting vote.

6. Organizational regulations

§ 6-1. Voting

All decisions in the organization's bodies require a simple majority unless specified otherwise. In case of a tie, a revote is conducted. If there is still a tie, the proposal is rejected. In the event of a tie within the board, the chairwoman/man has a casting vote.

§ 6-3. Powers of attorney

The board determines which individuals hold power of attorney and sign on behalf of the organization for the acquisition of loans and other financial transactions necessary for ensuring proper daily operations. Major financial obligations require board approval.

§ 5-3. Work of the election committee

The election committee shall conduct interviews with relevant candidates for board positions and present a recommendation to the general assembly. The recommendation shall be submitted no later than four weeks before the general assembly. The election committee shall strive to reach a consensus on its recommendation. In the absence of consensus, the recommendation shall be decided by a simple majority. Any dissenting opinions shall be included in the election committee's recommendation. In case of a tie, the leader of the election committee has a casting vote.

7. Bylaws and Dissolution

§ 7-1. Amendments of the statutes

Amendments of the statutes can only be made by the annual general assembly and require a 2/3 majority. Changes take effect once the national assembly is adjourned.

§ 7-2. Dissolution

The dissolution of the organization must be decided upon by a majority vote at two consecutive general assemblies with at least one month in between. The minutes of the general assembly are final when signed by the secretary and the signatories of the minutes.

§ 7-3. Transfer of assets

If the organization possesses a financial surplus or other assets at the time of dissolution, these shall be donated in full to the Jewish Museum in Oslo.